Thursday 26 April 2012

April 26

The most horrible, vomit-inducing, sickly food I have ever made the mistake of bringing near my mouth is  a wheat product. My distaste runs the gauntlet from bread and buns, to pizza and taco shells. I can understand if you don't understand what I'm talking about. Well, try seeing this from my point of view. Imagine sticking a sweaty, mouldy sock that smells like fermented rice into your mouth and swallowing it down. Who would do such a thing? As soon as you stick it in your mouth and start chewing, the food, which was already sickly to start with (it can't be helped),becomes a warm, saliva-coated, gelatinous paste stuffed with spit, bile, and all the other vile pathogens you can find in your mouth. Each time I have brought a piece of white bread, bun, or any other less than five star wheat product underneath my nose, I cringe and a wave of nausea hits me. If you can't relate to this either, imagine eating the puke, vomit, and feces of someone affected with diarrhea from a public washroom, then washing it down with a long swig of highly concentrated urine. A wheat product is the absolute epitamy of inedible. It deserves the title of "worst food created by man".

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