The point the picture is making is that school is structured and has categorized the skills and education needed for life into different subjects. It is thought to be all-encompassing and the lines and boundaries between different skills and subjects is clear. In life, it's not always clear what's what and how something fits into the larger picture. It's a blur. Everything is mixed and connected, unpredictable. School isn't necessarily equipping students with everything they need to handle life. It's giving the perception that everything is clear and laid out, but the truth of the matter is that if you want to find something, you have to look for it, and life's all a jumble that you just have to navigate. It's all up to you. I think it's a very good point. Of course life won't be what you expect and it is unpredictable. Unlike school, it won't always be fair and you won't always know what's going to happen or what's next for you. I think the picture does shed some light into the matter.
To make it more like life, school could be made less like a day care and more like an "employer". There would be no teachers guiding what students learn. The students would be responsible for their own education and learning. Tests and exam dates would be the students' responsibility to find and they have to plan what courses they take. If students want to know some critical piece of information, it is up to them to find it. Instead of subjects being solely focused on one main idea or skill, they could include various skills. For example, language arts could be incorporated into math with problem questions that require that skill. All the skills students acquire will be put to use in each subject, so perhaps some health knowledge or math may come in handy in biology or chemistry.
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