Monday, 9 April 2012

April 9

The five people I spend the most time with are my mom, dad, brother, and my friends Emma and Kirstin. I believe Jim Rohn's quote is correct for the most part because it's not always the case. While it is true that one is the average of the five people he or she spends the most time with in some cases, it doesn't always work that way. Rohn's quote must have been derived from how he thought that we as people all need to have people in our lives who we look up to and admire and turn to for guidance, but we also have people in our lives who empower us. We make friends with people with similar or completely opposite qualities of ourselves because we either admire those qualities they have that we lack or find ourselves attracted to someone like ourselves because it seems easiest to get along with and feel comfortable around that person. We don't feel inferior or significant to people with similar likes although it is possible to feel inferior to someone you admire. These two factors balance themselves out. No matter what, it's just human nature to feel better than certain people and not others. For that reason, people spend time with others who they see as lesser or greater than themselves. This results in one becoming the average person. Of course I believe that it is possible to spend time with people who we see as equals most often or people at one end of the scale. In a group of people, we ourselves do tend to think that we're the average out of our friends and not one extreme or the other. It's likely that any one of my friends think that they're the average in their group of friends.

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